These Days at Grove 3
This is a shout out to more Health Care Workers. The Long Term Care staff working at homes in Barrie. Here are the homes caring for over 1000 of the oldest, most frail among us: Grove Park Home, Bob Rumball, Owen Hill, IOOF, Mill Creek, Roberta Place, Woods Park, Victoria Village, and Coleman Care Centre. . RNs, RPNs, PSWs, Maintenance and Dietary and Housekeeping and Program and Admin Staff emerge as heroes. Here is something we picked up on the internet and slightly modified:
(social distancing some dining areas)
The staff in long term care homes aren’t fighting the same battle that the other nurses and doctors are fighting against COVID-19. Our battle looks a lot different. We are fighting to protect our seniors from the outside world. We’re fighting against depression and loneliness. We are fighting against confusion caused by dementia. We are working through frustration from family members not being able to visit, and families who feel disconnected and fear for their loved ones. The tragedy, should this enter the long term care home, will be real. So we are extremely careful. Masks are worn and we pray that more will arrive soon because we WILL run out. Nobody gets in who does not need to be here.
(Maple Staff “masked and distant”)
Until this crisis is over, we will give comforting words and will do our best to create fun activities that can be done safely. We will hold the iPads and phones so loved ones can see their elder who is unable to communicate and reassure them that everything is ok. We will continue to feed and bathe and provide transfers; care that defies the 6-foot-rule. Staff will provide reassurance, pray, sing, or just be there to comfort them. We will put on smiles even when our heads are pounding. We are overwhelmed by the daily changes in procedures and directives. We are tired, but will continue to support each other when we are short staffed because even a slight cold sends staff home in order to protect us all. We are fighting our own worries, but we will do whatever it takes to keep the “outside” world out and to keep our treasures safe. The Vault is closed.
(cards are greatly appreciated)