These Days at Grove 7
Today is Monday May 18 and we are grateful to say that we have no confirmed cases of COVID-19. That being said, we were all (residents and staff) tested early last week and a few results are pending. The process of testing is fast and simple, however the many labs that process the tests are a bit back logged.
Regardless of outcomes, nothing changes. We will remain diligent in our personal and professional practices. We all wear masks and (now) eye shields in all home areas. Screening questions have been expanded per Ministry direction and mid-day temps and screening happen with all staff and residents. Enhanced Infection Control Practices remain in place throughout the home. We are committed to being vigilant, knowing very well that this is not the time to relax any of our processes. Each time we wear our PPE, disinfect that surface, wash/sanitize our hands, keep our hands away from our face, and practice good social distancing (here and at home), we are placing more distance between us and the virus…. We want NO WEAK LINKS in our chain …. CLOSE THE VAULT! As staff, we are committed to this mantra in the best interest of our residents.
As you can see in the photo, some of our staff choose to wear scrub caps. We have to give a HUGE shout out to Homemade Masks for Hometown Heroes. This amazing province wide group have made and donated over 21,000 masks to community groups. On top of that amazing feat, their savvy sewers have even made these desired scrub caps. Pictured is Vickie from this group dropping off 90 scrub caps last week! Jazzamatazz also dropped off a huge bag of masks/scrub caps/headbands last week and we are grateful to all these generous community do-gooders.
Inside the home, the outdoor spaces are finally getting opened. This was certainly a delayed spring! Now we have furniture set up and planting happening. Our beloved vegetable garden is prepped for planting in the coming days. The “floor plan” includes green onions, romaine and head lettuce, purple beans, pod peas, strawberries, radishes, spinach and a beautiful variety of herbs. We’ll share photos when the growing begins.
Cards and letters continue to arrive by mail and email and these treasures are loved by our residents. If you are so inclined, dear reader, you can mail in generic cards for our residents, or drop them off in our “treasure box” inside the front doors. Not to worry, we hold mail for a few days and are very skilled at disinfecting anything that comes inside the home.
In closing, we continue to celebrate. Check out what the entire staff on Spruce did for their coworkers: Maple Cotton Candy from Lalonde’s Maple Syrup for everyone! What a sweet gesture. Birthdays are celebrated as well. Check out these lovely ladies celebrating last week:
Beautiful Wilda celebrated her 106th (yes, you read that right) with cards and balloons and lots of love from staff.
And our very own Debbie Hall Rowell was treated to a decorated office as she celebrated her 60th birthday last week. Yes, this 35+yr staffer gave her permission to share this milestone. Celebrate everything!
As the province slowly opens up businesses, please remember to stay safe and follow the rules. Sanitize/wash your hands after every public interaction. When you stay safe, you protect us as well.
The Team at Grove