These Days at Grove 2
Hello from the Residents and Staff at Grove. We’re doing well and staying positive. First things first, we are grateful to report that there are no confirmed or presumptive cases of COVID-19 among our resident population. We are steadfast in our position that CLOSE THE VAULT is the best course of action for protecting our most vulnerable from this virus.
On the home units, the Life Enrichment staff are being activity-doing, fun-making, photo-taking, creative-minded champions. Everyday they are sharing beautiful photos of never-been-done-before activities. We will share them with you as often as possible. On that note, please check back here often for stories, photos, and news. If you so inclined, LIKE our Facebook Page – Grove Park Home a commitment to care – to see more of what is going on here in the home. If you don’t use Facebook, perhaps ask a family member to check into our page so they can share our stories with you. Be assured that any important information will always come to you via our GroupCast communication system. With GroupCast, we will share basic information by email only, reserving the telephone version for more important messaging.
Our care staff are doing an amazing job supporting each other while working within very strict infection control processes. Social Distancing is tough when caring for residents but we are doing our best; caring when care is needed, distancing when we can. Internally, we share reminders and updates about distancing and other infection control practices. The best thing we can tell you is that, for the residents, it is daily life as usual. The missing link, of course, is all of you. Executive Director, Paul Taylor has just shared information about SKYPE and FACETIME as well as the potential for “window visits”. We thank you for your patience as we juggle a calendar to accommodate everyone. Letters can be sent to for printing and distribution.
The amount of news is staggering and likely leaves you all with many questions. Be assured that the Leadership Team continues to be involved in, and taking direction from, daily conferences with our agencies. Our trusted sources remains AdvantAGE Ontario who advocates on our behalf with Provincial agencies. Post calls, we meet to implement new processes based on this guidance.
Going forward, we are going to gather stories from all departments to share with you. In the meantime, remember that every single thing we do is in the interest of protecting your loved one and our staff. These are unprecedented times, but the care continues to happen, beautiful moments continue to happen, and staff continue to care for residents and each other. We got this!